Friday, October 31, 2008

I have an opinion -- Halloween Do's and Don'ts

Happy Halloween!!!

I must say I do enjoy Halloween. It's fun to see all the little kido's dressed up and have them come to my door to Trick or Treat however I have a whole new set of Halloween pet peeves. Don't get me wrong most the children are well behaved. I heard a lot of Thank-yous and many of them only took one candy/fruit roll up/ whatever else has been in my pantry for over a year. The problem was with the parents. (I hope all of you have more taste than some of the people I encountered.)

Without further ado my Halloween pet peeves:

1- A grown man should never trick or treat for his pregnant wife. When the kid is no longer in the womb it will be acceptable to ask for treats.

2- When children are given the opportunity to choose what piece they would like do not let them take more than one piece. For heaven sakes there are lots of children that come to my neighborhood. I try to provide a wide array of candy, bubble gum, crackers, fruit roll ups etc. etc. etc. One treat is more than acceptable when you are getting quality treats.

3- After you children have taken their candy do not take it upon yourself as a parent to take a handfull as you are leaving. First what kind of example is this for your children especially since they complied with choosing one item. Second no candy was offered to you. Trick or Treating is a children's event.

4- Do not offer my candy to other adults in your party. I did not offer it to you nor to them so what gives you the right of offering a perfect strangers property to others.

Can you believe the nerve of some people. Not only did one lady offer my candy to her friend but both of them also took handfuls. By the looks of them neither of them nor their teeth needed the candy.

On a lighter note, Thanks Becky for the cute card. It made my day!!!

Happy November.

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