Sunday, January 11, 2009

Movie Review

Marley and Me Review

My little (Marly) Jimmy Chew

(He is exhausted after a 2 mile walk and playing in the park. Here's to nice days!!)

I went and saw the movie "Marley and Me", I loved it. This movie was very personal to me. It reminded me of the many dogs in my life. I had dogs previous mission life however it was the time I lived in the "House of Dogs" that started my love affair. Nephi is the onlyof the four dog's names I can remember but I have great memories of these dogs. I will never forget my first experience with these dogs. Erica (Squire) was saying a prayer after dinner before we left (we didn't live there yet.) During the middle of the prayer Nephi jumped up and knocked her chair to the floor. It was hillarious. There was also a time when the can of dog food froze in the car Erica and I tried to thaw the food by warming it on the stove so we could feed the big boys. No one ever warned us that dog food stinks when it is warmed up. I will never forget losing the large white spotted dog because the meter man left the gate open and I let him out. It was a very unfortunate event and I can truely say I didn't understand how Sister Hill felt until just recently. Oh and one must never forget to never chew gum while in the presence because he will tackle you to the ground and take your gum with his tougue. Yuck!

Bandit with his McDonald's Hamburger

Dog number two would be Bandit. My family brought Bandit home while I was a missionary. It didn't take long for him to be a part of my life. There are several things I loved about Bandit. He loved McDonalds. In fact we would have loved to teach him to bark the theme song of McDonalds because he could smell McDonalds five miles away. He knew were they were all located and he probably could have walked there if we would have let him. Bandit died a little over a year ago. I cried and cried and cried it was a sad day and we should have received grievence pay and a few days off. It took me a long time to get over not having him around however it was better for Bandit to leave this life and no longer have the daily seizures. It's a good thing all dog's go to heaven because I can't wait to be around Bandit again. (I better go to heaven.)

Skeeter Dancing

Skeeter is the next dog. He is Jimmy Chews partner in crime. Skeeter is hillarious because when he gets jealous he will dance on the table. Something that we don't usually let the dogs do. It's his way of showing Jimmy Chew that he is cooler. Skeeter loves to go on car rides and will get in anyone car who leaves the door open.

Jimmy Chew Christmas Morning

Last is Jimmy chew. He goes everywhere with me, making me the "Crazy dog lady". He hates Sunday's and Wednesday's because those are the only days that he has to stay home alone. In fact today he was in the car ready for church before I had all of my things loaded. I literally had to drag him across the seat and dispose of him in the house before I could leave. Jimmy Chew has become part of my life and he is SPOILED ROTTEN. I can't imagine my life without him.

So now for the movie review I give it four stars. I laughed and cried and cried some more. The movie was very personal for me as a dog lover. If you don't have dogs or can't relate to all the little things they do than I'm sure you won't like it nearly as much as I did and I would suggest waiting to see it until it comes to the Red Box. Enough said.